Our consulting agency is a client focused services firm that is a part of the Consulting Club at the Texas Medical Center. The agency offers consulting services to its clients.
We aim to deliver high-quality analytical services by leveraging the well-trained analytical skills in 1000+ active club members comprising of PhD students, medical students, postdocs and residents from nearly every institution at the Texas Medical Center.
The Consulting Agency was established to provide students with the opportunity to apply their business skills and gain real-world experience in consulting.
Competitive landscape analysis
Analyzing potential investment opportunities
Pricing analysis
Business plan design
Profitability issues
Market sizing for new technologies and innovations
Customer analysis and retention
Creating slide decks for investor pitch
Marketing strategy analysis and design

Teams are composed of 5-6 consultants led by a project manager.
Teams can split into working groups to work simultaneously if multiple aims are required for the project.
Each consultant dedicates 5-10 hours on the project per week.
Consultants are selected by a rigorous application process from our candidate pool of members based on there key criteria: expertise, interest, and availability.
Projects last anywhere between 2 weeks to 4 months depending on scope and depth of the project.